Completely in line with their motto, "HEMA - makes everyday life more fun and easier", the department store chain commissioned Pan Oston to develop self-scanning furniture that fits HEMA's latest strategy. This extremely compact and intuitive design has been created in close collaboration with HEMA. And after extensive testing in smaller stores, the chain has now introduced it in various large stores, such as Tilburg, Breda and Paris.
The self-scan furniture (Self-Checkout / SCO) is completely designed according to the HEMA customer process. The challenging thing about this was that the SCO had to be easy to use for the varied HEMA product range. Both a pen and a bathrobe must be able to be scanned and deactivated. Packing of tableware and tucking clothes hangers into the appropriate slot is also part of the basic equipment of this compact self-scan furniture.
In short, HEMA needed multifunctional, yet user-friendly and compact furniture, with a different shape that fits well in the new style.
Unique to this intuitive self-scan furniture:
According to HEMA, self-scanning fits the wishes of its current and future customers. Furthermore, self-scanning, in combination with the traditional city counters, is good for absorbing large amounts of customers in peak times. It promotes the flow, which subsequently leaves behind a positive experience and a sense of service with the customers.
What we also see in HEMA’s new style is a clear cash register area. The so-called "line-arrangement". This is fairly new in a department store but also helps with a good flow of customers.
Self-scanning is still relatively new in a department store or fashion environment. Meaning HEMA is taking a big step forward with their decision. Self-scanning has started mostly in the food branch-like supermarkets and pre-order restaurants. In order for the customer to master or adopt a new method of payment, they must be exposed to the new concept. In food, customers visit a shop 2 or 3 times a week. Habituation and adoption are therefore much faster in this environment than in a store where customers only come once every three weeks. The number of successful experiences with the new method of payment also determines acceptance.
Self-scanning can be experienced as complex for customers as the de-activating the RFID tags on the products can be a hassle. Corné van Braak, Head of Design at Pan Oston, therefore tells that a lot of attention has been paid to the flow and intuitive use of AO scanner, deactivation plate and pin device. The success of checkout furniture starts with its design. It has to be thought out thoroughly because it determines how the ease of use and the flow per customer will proceed. From placing the basket, scanning the products, de-activation and ultimately the payment. Everything just has to fit together.
Adoptionsprozess Selbstscan
Selbstscan ist in einem Kaufhaus oder einer Modeumgebung noch relativ neu. Dies bedeutet, dass HEMA mit ihrer Entscheidung einen großen Schritt nach vorne macht. Der Siegeszug von unbedienten Kassen hat vor allem in der Lebensmittelbranche wie Supermärkten und Fast-Food-Restaurant begonnen. Damit der Kunde eine neue Zahlungsmethode beherrschen oder anwenden kann, muss er dem neuen Konzept ausgesetzt sein. Bei Lebensmitteln besuchen Kunden zwei- oder dreimal pro Woche ein Geschäft. Gewöhnung und Akzeptanz sind in diesem Umfeld daher viel schneller als in einem Geschäft, in dem die Kunden nur alle drei Wochen einmal vorbeikommen. Die Anzahl der Erfolgserlebnisse mit der neuen Zahlungsmethode unterliegt ebenfalls der Akzeptanz.
Das Selbstscannen kann für Kunden so komplex sein, wie das Deaktivieren der RFID-Tags auf den Produkten ein Aufwand sein kann. Corné van Braak, Leiter Design bei Pan Oston, erklärt daher, dass dem Fluss und der intuitiven Bedienung von AO-Scanner, der Deaktivierungsplatte und dem Kartenlesegerät besonders viel Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt wurde. Der Erfolg einer Self-Service Checkout Lösung beginnt mit einem durchdachten Design.Von der Platzierung des Warenkorbs über das Scannen der Produkte bis hin zur Deaktivierung und letztendlich zur Bezahlung. Alles muss zusammenpassen.