/ Designed by Pan Oston for Edeka Kubitzky

Bespoke design for Edeka Kubitzky

For EDEKA Kubitzky in Germany Pan Oston provided new checkouts, designed according to the latest trends in Germany. We call it Checkout 'ONE', and it is one of the latest developments of Pan Oston. Only to be presented for the first time at the Euroshop, earlier this year. It is a complete checkout with integrated Cash Management, Smart Sale, LED-Lighting and display advertising at the rear end of the checkout.

The checkouts have been received enthusiastically by both EDEKA employees as EDEKA customers This user-friendly checkout was based on already proven modular parts and materials. The appearance is robust and natural because the furniture is finished with both steel and wood, which contributes to the translation of the EDEKA store concept.

Modern Look & feel

The trends within retail formulas and Look and Feel are closely monitored by our consultancy & design department. In addition Pan Oston is constantly improving its products and is researching the use of different materials. The use of different materials, applying sublimation (for concrete or wood look), but also LED lighting give a desirable fresh look that fits the store concept.

Integrated Product Vending Machine

One of Pan Oston's latest product developments is the Product Vending Machine. Checkout ‘ONE’, as installed at EDEKA Maisach, is also available with the integration of this Product Vending Machine.

0 Years The EDEKA brand and one of the leading food distributors in Germany and has existed for more than a century.
0 Franchisers
0.000 Markets
0.000 Staff members
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