/ Tegut Teo opts for Pan Oston

Local convenience with Tegut Teo

Can you do your shopping 24/7? Or get your most essential groceries in a mini-store? People in the big cities are not unfamiliar with this. Many large supermarkets have both large and small stores in cities, where customers can do their shopping at any time. In the countryside it is different. There, customers drive on to do all their shopping at a large supermarket during traditional opening hours. Tegut breathes new life into an 'old market' with its latest store concept: Tegut Teo. In these new neighborhood supermarkets, customers in rural areas can buy and pay for their most essential groceries 24/7. Pan Oston helped Tegut develop a checkout system that suited these new and innovative ministores.

About Tegut
0 Stores Tegut has more than 300 supermarkets in seven different regions of Germany.
0 Products Tegut Teo has a small range with around 1,000 products
0 Employees A Tegut Teo is employee-less, but in the rest of the group, many people are working for its success
/ The success of Tegut Teo


The Tegut Teo shops are not big. On the contrary, they are very small and customers can only do their everyday shopping here. A Tegut Teo has about 1000 products, while a large supermarket has about 25,000 products. Tegut wanted to fill as much space in the store as possible with these products. That is why the checkout area had to be as small as possible. Despite that, the checkout area had to be customer-friendly. That is why you will find the ESSENCE kiosk in the Tegut Teo stores; a self-scanning solution with a very small footprint. As a result, the retail space of the mini-stores is used as best as possible!


The checkout area may be small, but it is an important point in the Tegut Teo stores. There are no employees in the store. Customers are therefore entirely responsible for the checkout process and with a kiosk Tegut can guide its customers well in this. Due to its modular and customized design, the ESSENCE kiosk also fits well with the rest of the Tegut Teo store; Tegut's red color is clearly reflected in the kiosk and partner Snabble's software also fits well with the supermarket chain's house style.


The ESSENCE kiosk fits well with Tegut's new store concept because it intuitively guides customers through the checkout process. The self-service kiosk fits perfectly into Tegut Teo's customer journey and ensures that customers can pay for their groceries quickly and easily. Snabble's software guides customers step by step with the scanning and payment of their groceries. For example, customers can enter the store through an app, scan their products with the same app and pay immediately. Or customers can scan and pay for their products at the self-scan kiosk. In addition, the ESSENCE kiosk is also very flexible. This means that Pan Oston has developed the kiosk in such a way that it perfectly meets Tegut's wishes.


Tegut Teo is a new concept from the German supermarket chain Tegut. Although Teo is still a pilot, Tegut has now opened its fifth mini-market and many more Teos are on the way. Tegut's concept is very innovative; to open a Tegut Teo you only need electricity and internet. Tegut's new concept aims to fill the 'gap' in villages and remote areas or on industrial estates and university campuses. In this way, people in these places, where there are often no shopping opportunities, can still do their shopping easily and quickly. Tegut's new concept seems promising; it has already won several awards, including Store of the Year 2021 in Germany.

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